Over the last few years, we have really utilized the online medium to connect to our alumni across geographies and even timezones. These online sessions and calls have helped us to stay connected, learn from our mentors and with each other and even explore opportunities to collaborate and work together.

Upcoming Online spaces: (Anchors required)

Monthly Check-in Calls

To keep the flare alive and to create space for cross learning and cross pollination, Youth Alliance wants to continue hosting Monthly Check-in calls, anchored by alumni with the suppport of a team member. The hope is that these calls can happen regularly at a fixed time and day and encourage alumni from different cohorts to join in.

# We are looking for an anchor for the same. If you can volunteer a few hours for the same, please write to Anisha at anisha@youthallianceofindia.org.

This is a great volunteering opportunity for anyone, a space to learn to hold space and gather folks. Would need about 5-7 hours every month to organise one call.


Contextual Conversations

With our context and political situation changing so rapidly, we wish to create a regular space for alumni to gather on themes that are topically relevant and that call out for our attention and response. These spaces would serve as a learning ground on themes relevant to our times today, discuss about our role and just make space for samvaad with people from different backgrounds and identities.

Anchors and Volunteered invited for the same too.

Previously held spaces


As Youth Alliance completed 10 years of existence, we celebrated the search for meaning and truth through conversation with our elders. The fortnightly series walked along the moon cycle, and our themes were guided by the 5 core values of Youth Alliance.

Leadership ~ Service ~Community ~ Healing ~ Inner work
Satsang for us is to be in the company of a community in search of our own truths.

In its 2021 cycle, we had Satsangs with six elders and diverse themes. Find more details by clicking the button below.

Hope Through the Cracks

Online Webinars around food resilience

With the onset of Pandemic in 2021 March, we got together as a team and came up with a campaign called "Hope Through the Cracks" to maintain the thread of faith that would help us sail through. There were a lot of offerings made online, from webinars to weekly check-in calls. We also curated a new online program called The Ecology of Self through the pandemic to support young individuals to process, release and reflect.


Alumni Week 2020

In 2020, with the onset of pandemic, surfaced the importance of this connection within communities and a need to nurture it continuously. Hence, at Alumni Week, we curated a journey on the theme of "Community With-in Chaos ". The intention was to experience the sacred connections, have *satsang* and *swadhaya* on various themes related to communities, and also share spaces of release, creativity, and joy.

It was a 9 day extensive online journey exploring different themes around Community, with over 20+ guest speakers joining in to share their learning and explorations.

Open Saturdays

Open Saturdays

We keep the second half of the Saturdays open for our Alumni to drop in and share their stories over brewing cups of coffee :)